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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Annual ($190.00) - Get 2 months FREE$190.00/yr
  • Preferred option
    Monthly ($19.00/month)$19.00/mo

Add on a 1:1 developmental consultation

1-hour online consultation on your child's development or behavior ($179)
You may avail of this anytime in the next six months.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

We will not share or trade online information that you provide us (including e-mail addresses).
All personal information you submit is encrypted and secure.
Got questions?
EMAIL US AT: hello@discerningparenting.com
Discerning Parent's Club

What you're getting:
  • 1 video training every month. This may be a live seminar or workshop, or you’ll receive access to a pre-recorded video course or video series.
  • 1 Q&A through private messaging every month to get your pressing questions answered.  
  • A handy guide to 20+ activities to support the month's topic
  • Support in an exclusive members-only Facebook group

What They're saying:

"I have more guidance and insights on how to handle our child, positive ways to manage behavior, and have a meaningful connection with him."

- Gail, mom of a 3-year old

"It gave me hope. I gained more clarity in understanding myself and my child. I have a plan to follow which gives me more confidence that I can do this."

- Annie, mom of a 4-year old

"Before, whenever my daughter has tantrums, I would always apply the “ignore” approach and it wasn’t working. After the workshop, I would ask, “Why? / Tell mama / What?” so we can connect. Somehow, her tantrums have decreased significantly. She would now reply, and I get to address her needs better."

- Lani, mom of a child on the Autism Spectrum

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Discerning Parent's Club$0

All prices in USD
